Media and Interviews

Sharon gives great interviews ... period. Always open, honest and straightforward, she actually answers questions that are asked and she does it with consideration and a quick sense of humor. We can't possibly include everything here, so we'll try to pick out some of the best. This list will undoubtedly grow quickly and your suggestions are much appreciated.

In this June 2023 interview with the British newspaper, Sharon is her usual candid, honest and a little blunt self.

An interview in Aukland, New Zealand duiring Sharon's 2014 tour with the band 'America'

Smart, playful, funny, professional (unllike the host) and beautiful. It's one of our favorites that still gets thousands of views per year.

A really fun and insighful podcast from Sept. 2021.

In the podacast, the guest is asked to name and discuss three particularly meaningful or significant words and one that they'd rather never hear again. Hint: her first word is "truth."

Back home in Ireland in April 2023, Sharon has a lot of fun in her first in-person TV interview in quite some time.

Chris Difford: I Thought it Would Never Happen.

In this rather long audio podcast with Chris Difford, Sharon opens up about her music and her life. Difford was a founding member of the 80s band 'Squeeze' and Sharon seems particuarly comfortable talking with a fellow musician.

The famous 2010 "carpool" interview.

Sharon catches a ride to the airport and gives a long, hilarous interview on the way. A little old, but another one of our favorites.

From Todo Seu, Brazil.

A lovely live performance/interview on Brazilian TV during her first visit in 2013. She performs Radio, Take a Minute and Dreams and talks about the origins of Dream of You, among other topics.The host is so taken with Sharon he can hardly speak! Watch her return to the show in 2015.