Social Media

Once quite active on social media, Sharon turned the daily operation of her accounts over to her staff in about 2021. Sadly, the addition of new content on most of the sites dropped off, with the notable exception of the Facebook group, All About Sharon Corr. Hopefully, activity will increase with the release of her fourth solo album, which is expected in 2024.

Below is a list of Sharon's social media links and a description of what you can expect to find:

Sharon's Facebook page is devoted mostly to career announcements such as concert dates and some of her side activities like collaborations and interviews. There will be a few family and friend birthday wishes and such, as well. Generally speaking, there are updates once or twice per month when nothing major is happening.

The Facebook Group, All About Sharon Corr was started in March 2021 and is devoted strictly to her solo career (not the Corrs). It is a private group with about 1,700 members and you must ask permission to be added. (On her main Facebook page, go to "About" and scroll down to "Groups," or pull down the menu from the "More" tab and go to the group.) The important thing about this site is that members can post messages, questions, polls, photos, videos, etc. themselves ... just remember to keep it "All About Sharon." This is a very polite, positive, respectful group of dedicated fans. The group is very well moderated for off-topic posts, fake sites, people trying to sell stuff, etc.

All About Sharon Corr is, by far, the most active site of those listed here. Tons of photos, posted several times per week. Historically, there are one or two fan posts per week, sometimes more when there is a lot going on. Fans can interact here. It has some exclusive content, particularly photos(!) and posts on other sites usually show up quickly. It's a great place to find the latest fan videos of concerts.

Instagram ( has become Sharon's preferred social media site for both her "business" interests (concert dates and the like) and more personal pics like travel and concert photos. Posts average perhaps one or two per month, depending on what's going on in her busy life.

Sharon's YouTube channel ( ) is THE source for offical videos and music, as well as various other interviews and clips. Most of the latter are rather old, but still fun to watch. It is not updated very often, only when she produces new material, so it can be many months between new postings. is Sharon's official web site. Unfortunately, there's not much to see and it is rarely updated. It's mostly there to sell albums, a little merchandise, and announce tour dates. There are also links to her other social media. You'll be much better off keeping up with things on her other sites.

Sharon was a very early adopter of what used to be called Twitter and made good use of it. Her fans even got her named "Ms. Twitter, 2009." However, her use of Twitter/X has dwindled to almost nothing, just the rare re-post. For what it's worth:

There are only about 14 videos on Sharon's official Tiktok site and only a few are exclusive. (The one where she sings Freefall just sitting around with her guitarist at a music festival really shows her beauty and talent.) At this writing, it hasn't been updated in a couple of years.