The purpose of is simple: collect as much quality information as possible on Sharon Corr, not just photos, and make it available in one place. We hope to take her long time fans on a trip down memory lane, bring in new fans and catch them up on all they've missed. We hope that this site will make all types of information on Sharon more widely and easily available in a concise format.

A few guiding priciples:

A focus on Sharon's solo career that began in 2009 and continues to this day. Anyone who loves Sharon probably loves The Corrs. The band is still a big part of her life and career and it will certainly not be ignored here. However, we want to put the spotlight on just Sharon, solo artist.

Sharon's life changed tremendously in 2015, first with the death of her beloved father, the move to Spain and the eventual disintegration of her long marriage. These events seem to have had a profound effect on her and her music. The final line from the song The Fool and the Scorpion says, "I am free. I am free. I have been reborn." We will use that as our guide and concentrate more on her life and career beginning with the recording of that album in September 2019. But, we will certainly not ignore all that came before.

This site is not affiliated with Sharon Corr, her management, record companies or anything else "official."

The site is non-profit ... OK ... negative profit. We're not selling anything or getting paid.

WE WELCOME INPUT! Please send your:
Content (We're always looking for current interviews, photos, news, and events.)
Corrections (We want accuracy above all else.)
Compliments, criticisms (be nice and constructive) and questions.
Contact from "official sources" to make this site better would be the ultimate!

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